Monday, September 29, 2008

A Bit of an Update...

I guess some of you may be wondering how Ian's doing...Not that we have too much to share with you yet! He's had lots of tests done at the Missionary Health Institute in Toronto, especially looking for tropical diseases. He also went to see a naturopath who thinks he may have a parasite in his heart (something we'd never heard of before, but it certainly seems plausible). He's on some potent, foul-tasting herbal meds to eradicate the parasite, if it's there! He also went for an ultrasound of his heart this past week to see if there's anything abnormal. All this to say, we haven't heard the official results from any of these things yet. We continue to wait on the Lord...and pray. And as we reflect on all the appointments he's had just in the past 2 weeks or so, we are incredibly thankful for the access to solid medical care. What a blessing! We are also cautiously excited that this past week he had a little bit more energy again...maybe this is the beginning of the healing process.

We do realize that even with all these tests and access to medical professionals, there are still mysteries out there. Things that only the Lord knows about and reveals in His timing. He's the Great Physician and we know and are thankful that Ian is in His care.


Jen said...

Although you say you are really none the wiser in a sense, it is lovely to hear from you and we too know that Ian is in God's care and we too hope and pray that some sort of diagnosis can be given to explain the lack of feeling well for Ian.
We too know that he has a doting wife and children and with all the family over there sharing your company we are sure he feels a little better just from that:)
We continue to commend your family to God each day.
Continue to enjoy this time of rest.
We too pray for those in PNG especially Andrew and Natalie and family. Our best regards to you all! Even hugs for the Jonathon and Karlyn:)

Sara said...

We continue to pray for renewed strengh and healing (Lord willing) for you Ian and patience and energy for you Nadia.

HH said...

Great to hear there are little improvements. May the tests provide some answers and we pray that the Lord will renew health and energy so that His gathering work may continue. Enjoy the rest He provides.