And there's this great tree for climbing in the front yard!

This is Ian's sister Lydia and her boyfriend Adam vanHof who is the owner of the house. These two have put in a ton of work to get the house ready and furnished for us. We're so thankful for them!

My Wildeboer sister-in-laws did a wonderful thing for us--they organized a house-warming shower and gave us gifts of food to fill our cupboards. We were really touched by their thoughtfulness. Here are a few of the guests--Elissa (Ian's sister) and Sheri (married to Greg).

As well as Janet (married to Andrew) and Juanita, also Ian's sister.

Praise be to God for the way He provides for us in every way!
Congrats! It must be nice to have a place to call yours for now!
Dundas eh? Will we see you in Ancaster Church?
Lovely Nadia. Always good to call somewhere 'home'. What a lovely gesture of your in-laws.
And...if your ever craving some warm weather, your always welcome out our way, you know that don't you?!
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