Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Jonathan's 5!!

Why is it that time really does fly by? I guess life is full and busy and often one week flows into the next before you realize it! And so it really shouldn't surprise me that our firstborn's 5th birthday has come and gone! But the memories linger...and here are a few photos.

With friend Ryan VanDuyn

Shouldn't every 5 year old have their own digital?? (even if mom and dad end up deleting at least 90% of the photos:)) And you can even play games on it between photo shoots.

THE cake. For those of you who may be wondering, it's a race track, not a number 8. He turned 5, remember?! But even he was calling it his "#8 cake". I guess we can use this idea again in 3 years time!

With a few of his friends--Nathaniel Schulenberg, cousin Noah, and Allie Buist.

We certainly praise God for our 'little man', who is growing up so fast. Just in the past few months, he must've grown 4 or 5 inches taller. To be sure, most of his pants look like 'floods', but thankfully, fashion doesn't matter too much to this 5 year old!

It has been cool to witness him growing up in other ways too--he now enjoys going to school, is learning to ride his bike without training wheels, is looking forward to being on a soccer team this summer, and continues to love learning about God and the Bible. I think that attentiveness during Bible story time is what makes us the most proud of him! We pray that his hunger and thirst for God will continue to grow.