Look at that frog cake! What a great cake, and delicious too. Thank you, Aunt Alice!

Here's the crowd who helped us celebrate!

We've been remembering her last birthday, which was celebrated in Hawaii on our way back here from Papua New Guinea! Kind of a fun place for a 2nd birthday!
At that time, we were facing so many unknowns--uncertainty about Ian's health, if and when we would be able to return to Papua New Guinea, how we, especially our kids, would adjust to this sudden and big change in their lives. And now here we are a year later. We've been richly blessed during our time here. We've even become a family of 5! And the Lord has blessed Ian's health enough that we are making plans to return to Papua New Guinea shortly. Big changes are upon us again, and the only thing that seemingly remains the same is the many unknowns we are facing once again. We don't know if Ian's health will continue to improve or if it will decline again in the tropical climate, and it will be quite a transition for our family, especially our kids, to adjust back to life in Papua New Guinea. It is easy to worry and to feel anxious, but we have to remember that in the midst of unknowns, there is One whom we do know, Who never changes, our Lord and Saviour. He is faithful, He is good and He loves us so much. And while we don't know His plans for us, we do know we're in His hands.