After talking about and to "baby Caleb" for months, Jonathan and Karlyn finally meet him for the first time!

A cuddle with Grandma.

Meeting Aunt Kathelien, who with Uncle Jonathan and cousin Jayden leave us to return to Holland tomorrow :(. But what a blessing that he did arrive while they were still here--an answer to prayer for us. God is good.

With friend Allie Buist.

With cousins Noah and Lucas.

Congratulations with the birth of your son Caleb! We pray that God will be with your family during this special time!
Aidan says that when Jonathon's Mommy is all better, he would like to have Jonathon over to play!
Take care!
congratulations guys! He looks like a healthy little guy. I may be sorry to say this, but he looks like Tom Jr. on the first pic. (I'm not actually sorry to say that, love you Tom!)
Enjoy this gift from God, and we pray that He will bless you with patience, wisdom and SLEEP!
love John, Kim, Olivia, Aaron and Tyson Harsevoort.
Lovely to see a photo of your little pride and joy! Hope all is going well and you are not getting too tired looking after your three little cherubs!~
God bless! len, viv and kids
Congratulations Ian, Nadia, Jonathan and Karlyn! He is one handsome little man!
God's blessings as you adjust to another little one in the house!
Love Brad, Deb, Lauren, Brie, Cole and Naomi
Awww...what a cute little guy! Congratulations Ian and Nadia, Jonathon and Karlyn. We pray God will continue to bless you all in the next days and weeks! Enjoy your newest little blessing!
Henry, Julia, Leah, Megan and Sara
Congratulations with the safe arrival of your son, Caleb! Praise God for the blessing of new life.
Bruce, Sarah and Kiera
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