Here are the 3 students who graduated with a Certifcate in Reformed Studies from the Reformed Churches Bible College when we were in Port Moresby at the end of November. This certificate program is a 2 year course and offers such subjects as 'Through the Word'--a survey of the OT and NT, Children's Ministries, Worship, Doctrines and Creeds, Scripture Memorization, etc. It is open to anyone in the churches who would like to be better equipped to serve their local church, whether that be simply as a member, or an elder, or a Sunday school teacher, etc.
The Bible College also offers a Diploma Program for those men who feel called to become pastors. There are two men currently in the program, and at least one or two who will enter the program in the next couple years.
Following the graduation weekend, while I was in Brisbane with Karlyn and Caleb, Ian and Jonathan, Wayne and kids, as well as the Versteeg's went to a nearby beach for an afternoon. Here they are eating rolled up pancakes, lovingly made by Auntie Rita.

On the Sunday, Wayne his daughter Sjaan, Ian and Jonathan went to a not so nearby village over some hills and through some mud, where Wayne preached (one of Ian's sermons, so maybe Ian could hear what his sermons 'really' sound like:)). Here is Jonathan and Sjaan and some of the children there. The last time we were in Beregoro was exactly 5 years ago, when we were visiting PNG for the first time. Jonathan was just 19 months old and we have a photo of him with the people very similar to this one. I should've found it and put it up too, but hey, then this blog wouldn't have gotten posted for another week or two probably!
It's obvious Caleb continues to enjoy Mom nutrition! Love you guys!
A great post, thanks for sharing:) Hope you enjoyed your birthday Nadia:) regards always to Ian and kiddies.
OK, so Caleb looks like a mixture of Ian and Grandpa Tom on that last picture.... Greta photos! Thanks for posting them. Praying for you every day.
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