Happy New Year, everyone! We wish you the Lord's blessings for 2010!
At the start of another year of blogging, we thank all of you who faithfully check this blog. It's encouraging to know people care and we do appreciate the comments...(but no pressure to those who prefer not to comment!).
As our thoughts turn to this new year and the people we will continue to work with here in Lae, we thought we would share some prayer requests with you.
Settlement Life
Our hearts are burdened for the families living in the settlements where we work. Life there is not easy and it seems that the men, in particular, often fall prey to alcohol and/or marijuana and usually end up beating their wives while under the influence. Since there is no such thing as privacy in the settlements, we are told matter-of-factly the truth about the abuse and violence that goes on. The stories go like this: a woman is not in church one Sunday and we're told it's because her husband beat her the night before. A young woman comes to church with her arm in a sling and again it is the result of abuse from her husband. And just yesterday, we were saddened to hear that a young woman from our church is now 'married' to a man who was drunk and angry the other night and cut another woman's foot with a machete (almost all of the young men seem to carry one on them). It looks like this woman's foot will now have to be amputated. And the young woman from our church is in danger of retaliation from this injured woman's family. We are sad for both of these young women and pray for them. Our prayer is also that in this coming year, the Lord will turn these men from alcohol and drugs and bring them into relationship with Him!
Please thank God with us for the faithful men in our church. Men who love and respect their wives and children. We pray that they will stay strong in the Lord and continue to be godly leaders in their families and in the church.
Please also pray for the women--wives, mothers, daughters--who endure abuse and disrespect. Please pray that by the power of the Gospel, this abuse will stop. We pray that these women will grasp how deep the Father's love for them is and that they will be strengthened and encouraged by the Word.
Please pray for PNG youth, the young men and women who often lack godly role models in their lives and are easily enticed by a life of crime, alcoholism, etc.
Please also pray for the little children. These children are vulnerable in every way--emotionally as they often witness abuse or experience it themselves, but also physically as we see many who are sick, have infected sores, or are mal-nourished. May the Good Shepherd hold these little lambs in His arms and protect them.
Our family
We look back on 2009 and of course we are incredibly thankful that the Lord guided us back here to PNG. We're thankful for the improvements to Ian's health that enabled us to return. And yet our prayer is still for complete healing for him, if that's the Lord's will. Ian is able to do his work, and even do it with much joy and passion, but if he pushes himself too hard, he is quickly reminded that his body is still weak.
At the end of the month, our firstborn will begin full-time schooling at The International School of Lae. This is a big step for him (and for us too?!), and knowing our son and his previous school experiences, it may not be an easy transition for him. We pray that the Lord will fill him with confidence and courage, and that he will enjoy this learning experience!
Thank you for your prayers! May the Lord's Name be praised as we lift up these prayers and petitions, with thanksgiving, to His throne.
"And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." Phil. 4:7
We would also like to know how we can be specifically praying for you. Just send us an email!