2011 has come...2010 has already gone by. How did that happen so fast?! We want to wish everyone the Lord's continued blessings for this new year. May it be one in which we all grow even closer to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who alone gives meaning and purpose to each new year...to each new day.
We also want to share with you a few photos from our last church service of 2010, during which our church community said farewell to the VanderHeide family who will be repatriating to Albany, Western Australia after 4 years of working with Reformed Ministries in Lae.
People were given the opportunity to send them off with a gift. So they were laden with 'bilums' (string bags) and other precious PNG mementos.

Many tearful goodbyes...they will be missed!

Various groups like this one sang songs for them.

And of course a feast of PNG kaikai was enjoyed.

We took the opportunity to take a group photo.
Their farewell drew an especially large crowd.

As you can see, Karlyn will dearly miss her beloved friends, as we all will.

Here's Caleb, relaxing on the veranda and eating chocolate pudding!

Karlyn and Jono, having fun in the pool at Matt and Claire's.

Safe travels and we are exercising our muscles to give you all a biiiggggg hug.
Joyce and Ryan
Safe travels. Wish we could give you big hugs too, like Joyce and Ryan :-).
Hey Ian,
Happy (belated) birthday!! Hope you had an enjoyable day and God s blessings for this new year!!
we re waiting for the next new blog post!! hi from kathelien and Jayden.
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