Saturday, March 5, 2011

Marriage Conference

Last weekend, we held a Marriage Conference at our church. Ian and John Lanta (pictured below) both lead sessions during the conference. It began on Friday night and continued until Saturday night. There were many people who came and went throughout the conference and of course many, many came to watch Fireproof on Saturday night. But we were most thankful for the small, core group who were with us for all the sessions. We shared ideas and struggles, asked questions and enjoyed some good laughs together.
This is Andrew and Agnes, demonstrating the "Trust Fall"!
Matthias and Jakina and their son, Stanis.
They were with us for the entire conference and
are now excited to share what they learned with their family members.
Up close with Stanis. (Have you ever seen such long eyelashes?)
The youth from our church cooked the food and sold it as a fundraiser for their own youth weekend later this year. The food was delicious--rice, plantain bananas and a stew with cabbage, carrots and chicken.
That's a big pot of rice!
The girls are still smiling as they cut up all the veggies.
We're thankful to God for blessing our weekend--hopefully it's the first of many. And we pray that He will continue to change and strengthen and purify marriage relationships in Lae, to His glory.

1 comment:

carla said...

Very cool idea, the Conference, may God bless it. Love the pic of the trust fall, also the looong lashes! Wow!
Ian the long (for you)hair looks good!