Our church building has been a construction zone this week thanks to Mark Geurts and Tim deVos! They have worked tirelessly to get a few projects done for us. Thank you for the hard work, guys!

Here is Jack, their right-hand man and escort-around-town.
Although he's not doing much here, Noah did help out too!

Here are Tonno and Jack sanding the pieces for the side walls
going up for a temporary classroom at the front of our church.
We hope to start our own school next year and it looks like the Lord is
opening the door for us to purchase a larger property
close to our church to build the school,
but until that gets down we will run the school at the church.

The beginning stages of the new pulpit. The old one was worn down (as usually happens to wood in this humid climate) and was actually too high for the Papua New Guineans who are typically short. They would have to stand on a little footstool to use it!

Mark--doing what he does best.

And Tim, hard at work as well!

Even the boys got in on it.
Next post: photos of the finished projects!
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