Here they are, after many hours in the sky, a few days in Australia to sleep off the time change, a few hours layover with our colleagues in Port Moresby, and then finally arriving here in Lae! They were a little tired (especially Noah!). It was such an incredible feeling to meet them at the airport. We're still pinching ourselves that they're actually here!!

Dinnertime at the picnic table! It's amazing how much fun the kids are having together already! Nothing compares to having cousins around to play with. We're so thankful to have family here with us in PNG.

Allow us to introduce you to some people from our "church family" too. This family professed their faith in the Lord Jesus in church today and therefore became official members too! They are Joel and Gami with Venessa and Robert. They seem to be a great couple, who are deeply committed to the Lord and already have a solid knowledge of Scripture (not often the case here). We are excited and hopeful about how the Lord will use them in our church community! They had written a short song based on the text from Joshua, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord", and sang it for everyone following the service. It was a beautiful testimony of their desire to be completed committed to the Lord as a family. We praise God for that.

Here is another sister in the Lord, Viviana with her children, Elijah, Claudia, Jonlyn and Gitonia. Viviana too professed her commitment to the Lord today. She is married to a man named Elias and we hope and pray that he will one day make the same commitment. (Up til now his work as a truck driver has kept him on the road very often and unable to attend church.)

We praise God for all of our family here in Lae, PNG!
God is good! What an enriching Sunday for you all to witness fruits of the Spirit. May those families who have committed their lives to the Lord be a blessing to the church and also a witness to those around them.
Family! No wonder you are so excited. There is nothing like family. May you all have a blessed time together and may your bonds be strengthened again. The children will have a wonderful time together, I'm sure. May God keep you all safe and in His care.
We too rejoice with you as more families have committed themselves to God, what a blessing and thanks be to God who continues to bless the work in Lae and surrounding.
Great that you have family over to share precious time and company with from abroad.
Sure the kids will love eachothers company, so enjoy and may God bless you all in this time together.
Let Tim & Elis know that the tradition is that the guests destroy in Settlers while residing at the Wildeboer residence :)
Hope yous have a fabulous time together!
Wish we could all come at various times to encourage you and see what your days are like in Lae.
Enjoy this special time you have with family!
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