Here's Karlyn, ready to play!

We were not sure what to expect in terms of how many kids would come and whether we would get rained out! (Since we are in the midst of our wet season now…) Well, it turned out we didn’t need to worry. The Lord provided in every way. The kids just kept coming and coming—some even missed school to do so, not that we encouraged that or anything. (In typical PNG style, we were told by several schools that this week was indeed a week of holidays for the kids, it turned out that it actually wasn’t). However, many of the kids don’t usually go to school at all, (because their parents can’t afford it), and so the soccer camp was a great way for them to come out and have some fun and keep busy this week. And as for the rain, the first day it held off until we were done, the second day it poured rain almost the whole time, but even that didn’t stop the kids (and coach) from getting out there and slipping and sliding on the wet field! And then the last 2 days were dry again—praise God!
Penalty shots, in the rain!

When soccer got a little boring...

The juggling win a "PNG-Canada Soccer Bible Camp" t-shirt!

Josiah--the best juggler!! (60 times!)

Everyday Tim lead the children through a series of drills for about the first hour, then we would have a break and Ian and Tim would lead them in a devotion time, and then there was time to play some games. I think it’s safe to say that all of the children (aged about 6-20 years old!) had an amazing time. I think they are all hoping that he would run another camp next week and the next…And they’re already talking about what he can do the next time they come to PNG!! Hey, we’re all for that!!
What an awesome idea! What a neat way to impact those children's lives. Something so simple yet so memorable!
They'll never forget that week and/or will look forward to it every year(D.V.).
way to go there colleague Tim!!! Those wonderful athletic talents God has given you are being put to good use! Any budding talents for the Guido team, Tim? God bless you in the rest of your ministry with these kids.
Thanks for sharing the fun and such a simple way of giving so mucg joy to these kids. Great work to their teacher for the week:) Hope you are enjoying the time with your family.....God bless you all and hope you have a blessed week.
Very neat Tim! It is amazing to see all the people and the different age ranges. What a blessing!
It sounds exciting and wonderful and a huge success! What kind of camp could we organize when we come to visit?!
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