Last month, we spent 3 weeks living at the Reformed Churches Bible College (RCBC) outside of Port Moresby--home to about a dozen students and their families and also 3 missionary families (the Versteegs, VanderHeides and Doumas--from New Zealand). The highlight of the trip for our family was spending time with Wayne and Cheronne VanderHeide and family. Even though our kids were supposed to be on their school holidays, they still joined in on the homeschooling with the VanderHeides! It was crazy at times with all 7 kids in one classroom--there were occasional shouting matches, some tears and maybe even a few punches thrown here and there! But still a lot of learning took place (also because of their great teacher!) and they also had a ton (heaps:)) of fun.
A rare moment: the 5 year olds and 2 year olds
all sitting down at the table together!!

Cameron and Karlyn: BIG smiles as they do their work.

Jonathan and Bryce: Working out math equations together!

Will these homemade boats float?!
Two cheeky 2 year olds!

Even the chickens are friendly at the Bible College--
friendly enough to supply us with fresh eggs everyday too!

These are some of the men studying at the Bible College.
It was such a joy for Ian to teach them,
and he would be happy to do it again sometime.

There was also a women's conference that took place at a village about 4 hours from Moresby. Cheronne and Wayne were the main speakers. They taught on Proverbs 31--the wife of noble character.
Ten women flew over from Lae to attend the conference. They all worked hard to save the money to get to Moresby, also with the additional help from the Women's Bible Studies in Australia, for which they were extremely thankful. The conference was such a blessing to them. They are still talking about what they learned and how they were impacted by the weekend. In the photo, they're wearing traditional 'meriblouses' in the colours of their province. Although I was not able to go to the conference, they did still buy me a meriblouse just like theirs since I am now a "meri Morobe' too, they say (that is, a woman from the Morobe province)!
Back to the Bible College where our 3 are hanging out,
being silly and enjoying the go-cart.

Ian also had the opportunity to preach in 3 of the churches.
Here he is preaching in a settlement called East Boroko, for the first time.
It was a good opportunity to meet the people there and worship with them.

There is never a dull moment at the Bible College.
This was part of a Games Carnival that was organized one afternoon.

And here we are at the end of our time in Port Moresby,
so thankful for the times we had at the Bible College,
but also ready to return home to Lae.

1 comment:
How great to see your enthusiasm for the gospel of Jesus Christ....and to see your family happy and serving the Lord...the kids sure are getting big and are having way too much fun...oh to be a kid again!!! You are often in our prayers and it was fun to get a little caught up!!!
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